November 17, 2005

First things first, I must apologize for the long delay between updates. Things have been very busy. I will try to do better in the future.

  A lot has happened in the last few months.  Andi has gotten hired on permanently at the company where she was temping. I got a promotion at work.  And Gregory has been growing like a weed and learning all sorts of things.
  He is now 5 months old. I’m not sure his exact weight, but he was 16.4 pounds at his 4 month appointment. The doctor told us to start him on baby food.  We have been experimenting with various veggies. On the movement front, he has started rolling over without assistance. We recently started him on a more regimented schedule for bedtime. Most of the time he goes down with minimal fussing, but we still get 30 minute crying episodes too. We aren’t really sure what we are supposed to do with a few hours of adult time in the evenings. 🙂
  There are some new pictures on the Baby Pictures page. This update has pushed me up to the limit on this website.  I have more pictures and stuff that I will upload as soon as I find more space.  That’s all for now.